International Horn Symposium

May 3-5, 2024

Natural Horn

The Castelló Higher Conservatory of Music is one of the few public music education centers where you can study the complete Natural Horn degree.

It is a pride for us to include various activities related to this instrument led by Professor María Antonia Riez.

Download below a provisional plan of the natural horn activities

Click here to download the plan of the natural horn activities


Improvisation, Modern Music, and Jazz

The Citcastello2024 International Horn Congress offers this new specialty aimed at all horn players.

Through masterclasses, individual lessons, concerts, and jam sessions, among other activities, you will discover a new language and broaden your knowledge of this type of music.

Improvisation and modern music are part of the curriculum of higher artistic education, both as a specialty and as part of classical training, allowing you to have a broader view of music and enjoy your instrument in a freer and more creative way.

You will work on technical, harmonic, and stylistic concepts applied to improvisation and its implementation in your daily practice routine, thus enhancing your abilities as a musician.

The classes will be taught by two of the most relevant horn players in the jazz scene, Italian Giovanni Hoffer, horn player of the Bologna Opera and one of the pioneers of jazz horn in Europe, and Valencian Pau Moltó, professor of Horn at the CSMA, a disciple of Hoffer and one of the most active jazz horn players today.

Giovanni Hoffer

Pau Moltó