International Horn Symposium

May 3-5, 2024

French Horn Competition

Get Excited

Passionate French horn players, this is your moment to shine with all your musical splendor! We extend an exclusive invitation to participate in our competition dedicated to exalting the majesty of the French horn. If you are a virtuoso of this noble instrument, this is your stage to dazzle the world with your skills and thrill us with the richness of your sound.

Download the French horn competition rules by clicking here
Download the selected applicants by clicking here
“D’aquest valent una gran trompa sona
que els Indians ab un poc no eixorda:
oen-la aquells qui son a Tramuntana,
i els de Ponent e de Llevant los pobles.”
Ausiàs March
(LXXII, 37-40)

“De este valiente suena una gran trompa
que a los indios por poco no ensordece:
la oyen los que están en Tramontana,
los pueblos de Poniente y de Levante”
Ausiàs March
(LXXII, 37-40)

Composition Competition

Exclusive to students of the Castelló Higher Conservatory of Music.

Download the composition competition rules by clicking here

Natural Horn Competition

Get Inspired

The Castelló Higher Conservatory of Music is one of the few public music education centers where you can study the complete Natural Horn degree. That's why the citcastelló2024 organizes the natural horn competition, so get inspired and participate to shine with this instrument.

Download the rules of the natural horn competition by clicking here